Leadership- Remote 7th graders Assignments

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Past Assignments


22. Self-Concept Review in Google Classroom

22. Self-Concept Review

Open the attachment "Workbook page 24" and read about Self-Concept to review the main points. Then, tell me what sentence you think is the MOST important from page. 24 and why. Here's a set of sentence stems to guide your thinking and response.

I think the most important sentence on page 24 is " "
This is the most important sentence because...


21.  Attendance / Warmup Question for Mon.(10-26-20) in Google Classroom

21. Attendance / Warmup Question for Mon.(10-26-20)

Being a leader entails many different skills. In your opinion, what is a skill that starts with the letter "L" that good leaders must have? State the skill and tell me why. Type your response in the answer box to the right.

Use complete sentences to receive full credit for today's question. This question will be used a daily points in the grade book.

If you are a remote learner, you must answer this question before midnight to be counted present for today's class.


23. Self-Confidence Review in Google Classroom

23. Self-Confidence Review

Open the attachment "Workbook page 27" and read about Self-Confidence to review the main points. Then, tell me what sentence you think is the MOST important from page 27 and why. Here's a set of sentence stems to guide your thinking and response.

I think the most important sentence on page 27 is ""
This is the most important sentence because...


Oct 22 Brainstorming strengths in Google Classroom

Oct 22 Brainstorming strengths

Write your strengths, cut out on dotted line and make yourself some positive bracelets. Decorate it if you wish. Have fun with this assignment. Nothing to turn in unless you want to send a photo of you wearing your new bracelet.


Oct 23 Assignment in Google Classroom

Oct 23 Assignment

There are several qualities one must have to become a great leader. Some of those include the ability to inspire, the ability to delegate, commitment, and confidence. Which of these qualities do you think is the most important one for a leader? Write an essay explaining why you chose that one quality.


Warm-up/Attendance Oct 23 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance Oct 23

Explain the importance of effective non-verbal behaviors such as posture, movement, gestures, facial expressions, and eye contact while delivering a speech.


Oct 21 Assignment Reflection in Google Classroom

Oct 21 Assignment Reflection

Fill out the form. Use Kami so you can write on the paper.


Warm-up/Attendance Oct 22 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance Oct 22

Name a well known leader. What leadership qualities do you think he/she possesses?


Oct 20 Ch 2 Lesson 12 in Google Classroom

Oct 20 Ch 2 Lesson 12

Read and then do the assignment at the bottom of the page.


Warm-up/Attendance Oct 20 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance Oct 20

Tell why a leader must focus on internal things, such as warmth, kindness, authority, knowledge, position, and genuineness.


Ch 2 Lesson 11 Oct 19 in Google Classroom

Ch 2 Lesson 11 Oct 19

Answer the questions at the very bottom of the page.


Warm-up/Attendance Oct. 19 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance Oct. 19

How can you present yourself to others in a way that demonstrates self-confidence?


Oct 15 Assignment Ch 2 Lesson 11 part 2 in Google Classroom

Oct 15 Assignment Ch 2 Lesson 11 part 2

fill out the true colors worksheet.


Warm-up/Attendance Oct 16 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance Oct 16

If you were a leader of a research team, and your team invented a time travel machine. How far into the future or past would you go? What 4 items would you take with you? What would you instruct your team to research? What kind of specialty would each of your team members have?


Warmup/Attendance Oct15 in Google Classroom

Warmup/Attendance Oct15

How can you present yourself to others in a way that demonstrates self-confidence?


Oct 14 Assignment Ch 2 Lesson 11 part 1 in Google Classroom

Oct 14 Assignment Ch 2 Lesson 11 part 1

read the article and view the videos


Warmup/Attendance Oct 14 in Google Classroom

Warmup/Attendance Oct 14

Why is it important for leaders to be able to reframe their negative experiences?


Warmup/Attendance Oct 13 in Google Classroom

Warmup/Attendance Oct 13

Describe a person with self-confidence. Why would this person make a good leader?

Yesterday was about self-concept. This one is self-confidence.


Assignment Ch. 2 Lesson 10 Oct 13 in Google Classroom

Assignment Ch. 2 Lesson 10 Oct 13

Answer the questions under the title of EMPOWER.Use Kami extension if you need to.
View the short video on "Values Optimism"


Warm-up/Assignment Oct 12 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Assignment Oct 12

What does a positive self - concept have to do with being a leader?


Oct 9 Assignment Ch 2 Lesson 9 Self concept in Google Classroom

Oct 9 Assignment Ch 2 Lesson 9 Self concept

Can answer this in private comment if you wish.


Warm-up/Attendance Oct 9 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance Oct 9

You’re in a store with your friend when you see him steal a candy bar and some gum. You think he might get caught and don’t want to get in trouble just by being with him. What do you do?


Assignment Oct 5 Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment in Google Classroom

Assignment Oct 5 Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment

Use Kami extension if you can in order to write on this form.


Assignment Oct. 7 Ch 2 Lesson 8 in Google Classroom

Assignment Oct. 7 Ch 2 Lesson 8

Use Kami extension to fill out this paper. copy the link and email it to me.


Warm-up/Attendance Oct 8 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance Oct 8

Your best friend starts making fun of the new kid in school because her clothes are somewhat old fashioned and out of style. What do you do or say to your friend? Would you stand up and publicly say something or would you wait until you were alone with your friend and confront her? Or would you say nothing for fear of losing her friendship? Choose an answer and write an essay defending why you would handle the situation that particular way.


Assignment Oct 6 in Google Classroom

Assignment Oct 6

Use this time today and tomorrow during our class time to use for catching up on your late work. Come see me during 8th period virtual class if you have any questions. I will be online during that time if you need me.
Ask yourself questions like..., did you turn in your first Speech? Did you do your IXL on the Government in Level E?
Have you recorded your 2nd speech? Have you turned it in? Make sure you go to Classwork and scroll down to check on your past assignments.
Due date is tomorrow. The grades or I's have to be turned in so that the office can get the report cards made. If you get busy, you can do it!! :)


Warm-up/Attendance Oct 7 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance Oct 7

Someone in your class throws a crumpled-up paper at the teacher when her back is turned. No one admits to doing it, so the teacher decides that one half of the class (the side of the room from where the paper obviously was thrown) must come in during recess as punishment. You lucked out since you are in the half of the class that does NOT have to miss recess. Do you think the punishment is fair? If yes, would you think it was fair if you sat on the other side of the classroom?


Warm-up/Attendance Oct 6  in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance Oct 6

* Warmup: Have you ever been put in a position of leadership? How did you do? Write an essay telling about your experience.

*Your Speech is to be turned in today. It is a major grade. I have already sent you papers out on the subject and a planning worksheet for you to organize your thoughts for your speech.
* WARNING; Many of you have not turned in your 1st Speech, and many other assignments. You will get an INCOMPLETE on your report card if you have not turned in your assignments. Some of you still haven't done your IXL on Level E Section E #1-4 Government.
** So be responsible, get busy, and start getting them completed and turned in.** Make sure you use the KAMI extension if you have to write on a worksheet that I have sent out. You have until Wednesday Oct 7 at 7pm to turn in late work.


Reduce Stress Oct 1 in Google Classroom

Reduce Stress Oct 1

What if anything did you learn from this plan?


Warm-up/Attendance Oct 5 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance Oct 5

Someone in your class has been bullying you (calling you names, shoving you against lockers, knocking your books out of your hand,) to the point where you know you have to do something about it. How would you handle it, without resorting to violence or retaliation through something like cyber bullying?
*Your Speech is to be turned in tomorrow at the latest. It is a major grade. I have already sent you papers out on the subject and a planning worksheet for you to organize your thoughts for your speech.
* WARNING; Many of you have not turned in your 1st Speech, and many other assignments. You will get an INCOMPLETE on your report card if you have not turned in your assignments. Some of you still haven't done your IXL on Level E Section E #1-4 Government.
** So be responsible, get busy, and start getting them completed and turned in.** Make sure you use the KAMI extension if you have to write on a worksheet that I have sent out. You have until Wednesday Oct 7 at 7pm to turn in late work.


Warm-up/Attendance Oct 1 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance Oct 1

Why is it so important for kids to be popular in middle school?


Warm-up/Attendance in Google Classroom


Why is it so important for kids to be popular in middle school?


Human relation  worksheet Sept 29 in Google Classroom

Human relation worksheet Sept 29

Be honest with yourself as you rate yourself.


Check out your listening Sept 30 in Google Classroom

Check out your listening Sept 30



Warm-up/Attendance in Google Classroom


Do you think it is more important to be popular or respected by your peers? If you chose popular, do you think that will change when you become an adult?


Warm-up/Attendance in Google Classroom


Everyone of us has succumbed to peer pressure at one time or another in our lives. Write about a time when you did something wrong because you felt pressured to do it. Do you consider the person who convinced you to do this wrong thing a leader, even if he or she led you in a bad way?


Warm-up/Attendance Sept 29 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance Sept 29

Everyone of us has succumbed to peer pressure at one time or another in our lives. Write about a time when you did something wrong because you felt pressured to do it. Do you consider the person who convinced you to do this wrong thing a leader,,even if he/she led you in a bad way?


Warm-up/Attendance Sept 28 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance Sept 28

When a pack of wolves travel, the older and sicker wolves walk in front. They set the pace for the walk. The next group of wolves are the strongest. They are there to protect the front group from an attack. The middle group is protected because directly behind them are more strong wolves. The absolute last wolf is the leader. Why is do they instinctively set it up that way? Why is the leader in the back?


Goals for the Course worksheet in Google Classroom

Goals for the Course worksheet

Fill out worksheet. You man need to use Kami in order to write on the paper.


Warm-up/Attendance in Google Classroom


When a pack of wolves travel, the older and sicker wolves walk in front. They set the pace for the walk. The next group of wolves are the strongest. They are there to protect the front group from an attack. The middle group is protected because directly behind them are more strong wolves. The absolute last wolf is the leader.


Warm-up/Attendance Sept. 25 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance Sept. 25

What are 3 ways you can show in order to make a good impression?


***** PROJECT: Framers of the Constitution Sept. 17 in Google Classroom

***** PROJECT: Framers of the Constitution Sept. 17

Read the attached information about what is expected about your PROJECT.


*** Project: Framers of The Constitution is DUE this week!!! in Google Classroom

*** Project: Framers of The Constitution is DUE this week!!!

Remember to share your Google Slides with me if you do it on there.
Remember to label the websites you got information from at the end of the report.


Warm-up/Attendance Sept. 24 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance Sept. 24

Why is it so important to be intentional when making a first impression?


Ch 1. Lesson 6  note-writing Sept 22 in Google Classroom

Ch 1. Lesson 6 note-writing Sept 22

Goals for the Course
Fill out the form and send it back to me.
If you have a school computer, use Kami so that you can write on the paper. It is very simple.


Message About Ch. 1 Lesson 5 on writing a note. in Google Classroom

Message About Ch. 1 Lesson 5 on writing a note.

Sorry about my incomplete instructions. Anyway, it is to write a note to someone in the community or could be someone from a local group/club that you see characteristics of a good leader. It is a nice way of letting them know how you respect and appreciate them as a leader. If you are a couple of days late it will not be held against you on your grade.
Ms. Weeks


warmu-up/attendance Sept. 23 in Google Classroom

warmu-up/attendance Sept. 23

When was a time when you made a bad first impression? What could you have done differently?


Ch. 1 Lesson 5- Relationships Sept 21 in Google Classroom

Ch. 1 Lesson 5- Relationships Sept 21

Read through this assignment and write a short letter to someone who


Warmup/Attendance Sept 22 in Google Classroom

Warmup/Attendance Sept 22

How is the ability to develop healthy relationships critical to being a good leader?


Warm-up/Attendance Sept 21 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance Sept 21

Why is your first impression important when going to a job interview?


Warm-up/Attendance & IXL E.E.#1, #5-7  Sept. 18 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance & IXL E.E.#1, #5-7 Sept. 18

If you took a trip to the future in a time machine, what 4 items would you take with you?



Warm-up/Attendance & IXL E.E.#7 Sept.17 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance & IXL E.E.#7 Sept.17

Name 3 things( behaviors, characterization) that makes a leader a great leader.


Warm-up/Attendance & IXL E.E.#6 Sept. 16 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance & IXL E.E.#6 Sept. 16

What is the one character flaw you would like to work on this year to improve?


Speech Planning Worksheet in Google Classroom

Speech Planning Worksheet

Today will be speech writing. You may wish to rehearse your speech after you fill out your worksheet. Put all the areas together for a successful speech.
Next week you will do a speech about 1 minute to 1 1/2 minutes long.
Remember to speak slowly and louder. Do not whisper your speech, but on the other hand, don't yell your speech out.
Take deep breaths before beginning your speech. Practice, Practice, and more practice rehearsing your speech.
You will need to record your speech and send it to me OR give it during class. We can discuss about scheduling time during class, so not everyone will need to arrive at the same time or the same day.
Remember it will be a test grade, but I will go easy on you for this first time. :)


Warm-up/ Attendance & IXL E.E. #5 Sept 15 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/ Attendance & IXL E.E. #5 Sept 15

Name 4 things in which you can improve your day today.


Warm-up/ Attendance in Google Classroom

Warm-up/ Attendance

Are the habits you are forming today in alignment with the goals you have for tomorrow? Explain


Prepare for your speech. Sept 14 in Google Classroom

Prepare for your speech. Sept 14

Use the Speech Planning Worksheet to help you formulate your speech that is due tomorrow.
Your speech "All About Me" is due on Wednesday. Either you record it and send it, or come to virtual class and do your speech. It is only 1 1/2 minutes long. This is a MAJOR grade. So do your best.


Warm-up/ Attendance Sept. 14 & IXL - Level E. Section E. #1 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/ Attendance Sept. 14 & IXL - Level E. Section E. #1

How does tolerance influence a person to be a good leader and person?


What do you REALLY want for your life? in Google Classroom

What do you REALLY want for your life?

Take one of these questions and write about it. Please use complete sentences.
1. What is something you want to be successful at? (It can be anything- for example; a chef, known to be an honest and a good person, writer, painter, successful rancher, doctor, own my own business, etc.)
2. What is it going to take(steps) in order to achieve your goal(s)?
3. How can your attitude and work ethic truly influence your success or failure?


Speech Planning Worksheet Sept. 11 in Google Classroom

Speech Planning Worksheet Sept. 11

This form may help you organize your thoughts for your speech.


7th grade Leadership Sept 10 in Google Classroom

7th grade Leadership Sept 10

Ms. Weeks video


Warm-up/ Assignment Sept.11 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/ Assignment Sept.11

If you woke up one morning and discovered you turned into an animal, what animal would it be and what about that animal made you choose it?


Warm-up/Attendance Sept. 10 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance Sept. 10

Write about: : “The gifts and talents you have behind you are greater than any task that lies ahead of you!”


warm-up/Attendance Sept. 9 in Google Classroom

warm-up/Attendance Sept. 9

Write about: Why will attitude keep you from being successful?


collage in Google Classroom


Create a collage all about you. It can be on regular paper, or construction paper or do it in slides. Whatever is easiest for you.


collage in Google Classroom


Create a collage all about you. It can be on regular paper, or construction paper or do it in slides. Whatever is easiest for you.


Warm-up/ Assignment Sept 8 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/ Assignment Sept 8

What does not putting people down have to do with being a leader?


Warm-up/Attendance Sept. 4 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance Sept. 4

write about the following in at least 1 paragraph

What is something you want to be successful at?
What is it going to take to get your goal?


Warm-up/Attendance Sept. 4 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance Sept. 4

write about the following in at least 1 paragraph

What is something you want to be successful at?
What is it going to take to get your goal?


Warm-up/Attendance Sept. 3, 2020 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance Sept. 3, 2020

write: 1 paragraph
There are 2 groups of people in the world. One group to lead, and the other group makes it possible for them. Which one do you want to be in?


Social Contract  Sept. 2nd in Google Classroom

Social Contract Sept. 2nd

Everyone will need to participate with forming a social contract. Those who attend virtual Leadership class on Wednesday, September 2nd, we will discuss what to put out for Social Contract.
Those students who will not be able to attend Virtual class, you will need to send me 2 ideas you would like to add to the Social Contract.
Discussion on creating a collage.


Warm-up/ Attendance September 2, 2020 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/ Attendance September 2, 2020

Write: What's the difference between those who do well and those who truly excel?


Intro Chapter 1 Lesson 1 in Google Classroom

Intro Chapter 1 Lesson 1

Read over article and be prepared to discuss in virtual.
Write about 2 things the article talks about and your opinion about it.
Make sure you do the warm up/Attendance daily!!


Intro Chapter 1 Lesson 1 in Google Classroom

Intro Chapter 1 Lesson 1

Read over article and be prepared to discuss in virtual.
Write about 2 things the article talks about and your opinion about it.
Make sure you do the warm up/Attendance daily!!


Warm-up/ Attendance Sept. 1, 2020 in Google Classroom

Warm-up/ Attendance Sept. 1, 2020

Answer this question within 1 paragraph.

What makes a good leader vs. a bad leader?


Student Information Sheet in Google Classroom

Student Information Sheet

Fill out the form


Warm-up/Attendance August 31st in Google Classroom

Warm-up/Attendance August 31st

due today (August 31st) before midnight
After viewing the CDC Handwashing video, list 2 major areas that the CDC
is important for handwashing.